Instant Music MP3 Download Script will help you to run your own fully automated MP3 Search Engine website within a minute.
- Instant Music search engine
- Auto search suggest function
- Auto Save recent searches
- Top songs charts by country
- Download Multi-format function
- Mobile Friendly Downloading
- Multi BIT/KBPS downloading Choice 64kbps, 128kbps, 192kbps, 256kbps,320kbps
- Custom Music Player
- Automatic XML Sitemap
- Advertisements ready
- Responsive design
- SEO optimized
- OpenGraph meta tags
- HTTPS SSL supported
- No database required
- Built with Bootstrap
- Mobile friendly design
- Easy to customize
- Easy translation by yourself
- Easy install
- PHP 5.x
- allow_url_fopen enabled (Standard on most shared hostings)
- file_get_contents enabled (Standard on most shared hostings)
- YouTube API Key
Get a free YouTube API Key: Login to Google Developers and create a new project and select API services for YouTube Data API v3 to get your key ( Select your key for server applications and your server IP or any IP allowed
Step 1) Upload the contents of the Files folder to your web server.
Open up your cPanel file manager or FTP program and connect to your server,
Upload the contents of the Files folder to your public_html folder
Upload the contents of the Files folder to your public_html folder
Important: Make sure you have also uploaded the .htaccess file, select 'show hidden files'
in your file manager options if you cannot see it.
in your file manager options if you cannot see it.
Step 2) open information.php and update the information.
Step 3) open ads folder and update the advertisement code (you can use Html, PHP or javascript code)